Thursday 3 November 2016

Reading this piece would be three kinds of people. Those who are in a challenge, those who know of challenges and are scared of facing them and those who have none on their mind

Farewell to the first set of people. To the second set people, you all need to be reminded that fear is the killer of growth and progress. The body and mind should never be left docile and inactive. I propose to you to do yourself a favour, challenge yourself and unravel the strength in your mind. You could pick a book and set a deadline, you could start working on that idea that only stays in the closet of your thoughts . Remember that time waits for no man, the more reluctant you are the more enthusiastic your peers are. Some of us get downcasted when we see or hear the achievements of people around us. The reason is because you haven't  challenged your mind and brains. Don't lay docile with the few months we have get engaged and become productive to yourself and the people around you.

For the people on the third category. Take a cue from the people on the second category and stop being lazy. A lot of us complain and lament about the situation of our country. Let it be known that change begins with you. When all youths try to be productive, we start appreciating the values of hard work.

Ladies and gentlemen the watchword for today is be productive and stop being afraid to go on an adventure of self discovery.

Discover yourself, unlock the values of growth and progress. # a ma rira.